How to set up an MLA format essay (8th edition, 2017) in LibreOffice Writer:
- Choose any legible serif font, and set the size to 12.
- Set the line spacing to 2.
- Type your first and last name. Press enter/return.
- Type the name of the professor or teacher. Press enter/return.
- Type the name of the class. Press enter/return.
- Type the either due date or date of completion, whichever is applicable. Use the format DD month YYYY. For example, 15 January 2017. Press enter/return.
- Center the text. This is where the title of the paper goes.
- On a new line, press tab once.
- Begin writing the essay.
- Press enter/return once and tab to make a new paragraph.
- Place the cursor at the end of the text you started typing.
- Insert → Page Break
- Center the text and type "Works Cited" without the quotation marks.
- Refer to the Purdue OWL MLA Formatting and Style Guide for information on how to make citations.
- Add a header by hovering over the header area and using the plus button or by going to Insert → Header and Footer → Header.
- Right align the text.
- Insert → Page Number
- Type your last name and a space in front of the number.
- Go to Fomrat → Page…
- Switch to the Page tab and set all margins to 1 inch.
The essay is now in MLA format.
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