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Paint.NET: Color Image to Black and White

How to turn a color image into a black and white (grayscale) image using Paint.NET.
  1. With the image open in Paint.NET, open the Adjustments menu.
  2. Select Black and White (or use CTRL + SHIFT + G).
  3. This will turn the entire image into black and white.
  4. To turn only part of the image into grayscale, use the rectangle, lasso, or ellipse select tools, or the magic wand tool, and draw the selection area over a certain part of the image.
  5. After selecting the area, perform the same operation as in steps 1 and 2.
  6. Only the selected part of the image will turn black and white.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYGyxQVGqik

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